How Kells Helps Our Students Conquer Self-Esteem Issues
How Kells Helps Our Students Conquer Self-Esteem Issues
The journey to a positive self-image can sometimes have its challenges, especially for young teens who are at a crucial stage in their development. Our sense of self-esteem affects how we see ourselves, our skills, and our talents, and when we have confidence in ourselves and what we can accomplish, it can lead us to amazing places.
At Kells Academy, we work to inspire our students by highlighting their strengths and abilities and allowing them to explore their interests. Read on to find out more about how we’re helping our students build their confidence and self-esteem.
Self-Esteem Begins with Support and Compassion
Middle school students are still discovering who they are and what they like, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It can be a difficult time, but by participating in a supportive learning environment, students can find the things they are passionate about, which helps cultivate confidence in their capability to overcome any challenge they may face.
Kells believes that bridging the gap between possibility and realization is as simple as providing a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on or a good listener who empathizes with the challenges some of our students may be going through. We offer a welcoming environment that encourages students to be open to new experiences and the lessons they bring so that they can grow into their own unique potential.
Promoting Individuality and Competence in Middle School Students
Self-esteem is a complicated matter, and it can be low for a number of reasons. Many instances of low self-esteem in children and young teens come from an underdeveloped sense of competence and how capable they feel handling life’s challenges.
Kells Academy encourages self-expression and the exploration of personal interests
Believing in your ability to do something is at the heart of a healthy sense of self-worth. When we find an activity that we enjoy and are good at, we feel more secure in our chances of doing it again successfully. Students at our academic middle school are encouraged to pursue what interests them, and they have a variety of activities to choose from, whether it’s robotics or chess club, sports or debate, or getting involved in the arts with music and theatre.
Encouraging Self-Respect in Kells’ Inclusive Community
Respect for yourself, your fellow human beings and your community is an important factor in self-esteem. When we don’t respect ourselves, it makes it harder to respect others, and it can be hard to unlearn negative behaviour.
A supportive, inclusive environment can build confidence
Kells strives to promote a sense of community that makes students feel included and gives them the opportunity to broaden their horizons and expand their perspectives. Self-respect is more than believing in yourself, it also involves believing in other people and knowing that you can rely on them just as they can rely on you. With the support of the Kells community, our students aren’t afraid to be themselves and pursue what they believe they are capable of.
Do you want your child to reach their full potential at an independent mid school?
Contact Kells Academy for more information.
The journey to a positive self-image can sometimes have its challenges, especially for young teens who are at a crucial stage in their development. Our sense of self-esteem affects how we see ourselves, our skills and our talents, and when we have confidence in ourselves and what we can accomplish, it can lead us to amazing places.
At Kells Academy, we work to inspire our students by highlighting their strengths and abilities and allowing them to explore their interests. Read on to find out more about how we’re helping our students build their confidence and self-esteem.
Self-Esteem Begins with Support and Compassion
Middle school students are still discovering who they are and what they like, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It can be a difficult time, but by participating in a supportive learning environment, students can find the things they are passionate about, which helps cultivate confidence in their capability to overcome any challenge they may face.
Kells believes that bridging the gap between possibility and realization is as simple as providing a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on or a good listener who empathizes with the challenges some of our students may be going through. We offer a welcoming environment that encourages students to be open to new experiences and the lessons they bring, so that they can grow into their own unique potential.
Promoting Individuality and Competence in Middle School Students
Self-esteem is a complicated matter, and it can be low for a number of reasons. Many instances of low self-esteem in children and young teens come from an underdeveloped sense of competence and how capable they feel handling life’s challenges.
Kells Academy encourages self-expression and the exploration of personal interests
Believing in your ability to do something is at the heart of a healthy sense of self-worth. When we find an activity that we enjoy and are good at, we feel more secure in our chances of doing it again successfully. Students at our academic middle school are encouraged to pursue what interests them, and they have a variety of activities to choose from, whether it’s robotics or chess club, sports or debate, or getting involved in the arts with music and theatre.
Encouraging Self-Respect in Kells’ Inclusive Community
Respect for yourself, your fellow human beings and your community is an important factor in self-esteem. When we don’t respect ourselves, it makes it harder to respect others, and it can be hard to unlearn negative behaviour.
A supportive, inclusive environment can build confidence
Kells strives to promote a sense of community that makes students feel included and gives them the opportunity to broaden their horizons and expand their perspectives. Self-respect is more than believing in yourself, it also involves believing in other people and knowing that you can rely on them just as they can rely on you. With the support of the Kells community, our students aren’t afraid to be themselves and pursue what they believe they are capable of.
Do you want your child to reach their full potential at an independent mid school?
Contact Kells Academy for more information.