
While Kells Academy adheres to Quebec Ministry of Education guidelines, it delivers programs with significantly greater flexibility, identifying individual student skill levels as the first step in the process. Classes with individualized programs help ensure that each student has the best opportunity for success.

English studies focus on the ability to read a variety of literature and respond with critical thought, sensitivity, and maturity. In analyzing a diversity of genres, students learn to creatively and effectively articulate their ideas and strengthen the clarity, strength, and accuracy of their own writing.

Fundamentals of grammar and vocabulary are reviewed regularly and are deemed an important part of the program at every level.

At Kells, emphasis is placed on reading fluency at all grade levels. Upon school entry, all students are given a full reading evaluation to determine skill level. Recommendations are made for students requiring extra support, which include:

  • In classroom online support, which enables students to work at their own pace to develop skills.
  • Use of assistive technology to access information, correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Additional group support, when requested, during FLEX time.
  • ESL (English Second Language) support.
  • After school homework program.
  • After school tutorials (extra cost).
  • Summer school (extra cost).

Reading List