
Gratitude from a Former Student

January 2019

Hello Mr Jankowski,
I am presently completing my final semester in the BEng. program in Software Engineering at Concordia University. Last week, my application to Concordia’s Masters in Applied Sciences in Software Engineering got accepted, which I will start in fall on this year with a great supervisor, Dr Weiyi Shang.

I’m emailing you to thank you for being an outstanding Mathematics and Science teacher at Kells. I have fond memories of three courses I took with you in grade 10 as well as the ones in grade 11, and I was fortunate to have a teacher that was so knowledgeable about the subjects. It was your passion in these subjects and the fact that you care about your students’ performances that made you an excellent instructor that have inspired me to pursue studies in sciences, specifically Software Engineering. I am grateful for Kells for having a teacher such as yourself.

I hope hope other students of yours can realize they are fortunate to have passionate and caring instructors making for a valuable education.

Thanks for everything,

Sophia Quach