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Enter a welcoming environment that encourages openness to learning and life. At Kells Academy, we understand that each student is unique with experiences, interests and cultural lifestyles that are all their own. Since we first opened our doors in 1978, we have recognized that a one-size-fits-all approach to learning does not work. Our challenge is to provide an innovative environment that celebrates uniqueness while offering a diversity of learning approaches, ensuring our students a learning experience that is rich and meaningful.
At Kells, flexibility is key. It's also what distinguishes us from other schools. The curriculum provides the structure, yet its implementation is adaptable. We develop individualized programs, allowing students to work within their comfort zone, which may be above, below, or at grade level.
While the pursuit of academic excellence and the fostering of a lifelong love of learning are the cornerstones of Kells Academy, our commitment extends beyond scholastic achievement to strike a balance in the lives of our students through our outstanding Fine Arts, Music and Athletics programs. Students also have the opportunity to discover new talents and passions through a variety of extracurricular options, including our signature Flex program.
We have a vision for our students. At Kells, we believe that every student has a contribution to make to this world. It is our mission to provide students with an opportunity to grow and reach their full potential. In doing so, we prepare young people for the challenges of the 21st century.
Irene Woods,
Director, Kells Academy
We encourage athletic participation throughout students’ education as a healthy contributor to the Kells mindset of dedication, sportsmanship, perseverance, and teamwork. As well as its regular physical education classes, Kells offers students a variety of team and individual sports—soccer, basketball, badminton, cross-country running, rock-climbing, and more.
We also organize several trips throughout the year to give students the opportunity to enjoy activities like winter tubing and circus school.
At Kells, we introduce a variety of athletic activities, such as:
- Yoga
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Soccer-baseball
- Badminton
- flag football
- Running
- Gymnastics
- Dance
In cycle three, students have the opportunity to join a competitive team for soccer or basketball.
Students participate in several athletic events in the community. Some are to raise money for various charities and others are to gather students for a fun event. Examples of the activities include the Terry Fox Run, Halo Road Race, and Jump Rope for Heart.
Our strong belief in the importance of the Arts is upheld by a multitude of research indicating the positive benefits of artistic expression. Each art form offers unique skills and opportunities for self awareness, exploration and creative thinking. The Arts also link other subjects together with a deepening understanding of culture, history and society. At every grade level, we provide exceptional progressive instruction in the fine arts.
Studying a musical instrument, creating a painting, learning a dance routine or singing in a choir teaches students the value of patience and persistence essential to other academic endeavors
Visual Arts
Inspiring imagination and creativity, our Visual Arts program encourages students to experiment with a variety of mediums (charcoal, pastels, paint, clay, printmaking, wire). They are introduced to the great masters of the world, as well as modern artists, learning about the wide range of cultural and historical perspectives reflected in visual images. Creating, looking at and reflecting on art helps learners know themselves and gain confidence as they build an art portfolio.
Students also enjoy visits to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts where they have the opportunity for an immersive art experience.
Our program fosters the creative spirit, as students find their unique voices and develop skills that will last a lifetime.
The joyful sounds of children making music ring through the halls of Kells Elementary. It is exciting to watch budding musicians grow with increasing confidence as they begin a musical journey that includes singing, instrumentation, theory, music history and appreciation. Students are introduced to a wide variety of musical genres, exploring their origins and place in history. Students also have the opportunity to write lyrics and compose, both traditionally and digitally. From small percussion instruments and glockenspiels, students may move on to electric drum, ukulele, guitar or keyboard.
For those who love to sing, in addition to music class, joining the school choir gives them ample opportunities to rejoice in song and perform.
A sense of teamwork, belonging and community is derived from participating in our eagerly awaited Spring Concert each year. This performance opportunity allows students to have a first hand experience with many facets of professional production, such as staging, lighting, set design, props and costuming.
The many skills developed through the arts are part of a rich and creative curriculum and often become a lifelong passion.
Our goal is to ensure that Kells students are offered the support they need to excel. In collaboration with our Learning Specialist, our classroom teachers design high quality learning experiences that are accessible to all students with the appropriate level of challenge.
In the Learning Centre, in smaller groups, our learning specialist guides the learning process to build solid foundational skills in reading, writing and math. Progress is monitored on a regular basis, guiding the next steps in the learning process. Using a variety of teaching approaches and evaluation methods to engage interest allows students to master the curriculum or go beyond.
Our 1-1 iPad or Macbook program facilitates learning and allows for more options and greater flexibility. Students receive training in the use of a variety of strategies and digital tools, so in short, our students learn how to learn.
In order to accommodate our English Language Learners and those with no or little prior French learning, our International Student program offers additional support for language acquisition both during the school day and after school. Students maintain a high level of study by attending regular grade level courses which also help strengthen their language skills.
At Kells, we are proactive and responsive to the needs of the individual. Whether a higher degree of difficulty and complexity is needed or support for reading, writing or math, in a learning environment that supports success, students develop a growth mindset and feel safe to take risks.
The teaching of science and technology combines the best of traditional methodology with cutting edge contemporary practice.
At Kells, we embrace technology as a powerful asset to make learning more interesting and relevant. With our 1:1 iPad or Macbook program, we are able to use technology to further personalize and customize learning. While nothing can replace the personal motivation our students receive when working directly with their teachers, we believe that technology gives them access to today’s most powerful and innovative learning tools, preparing students for the future.
Incorporating STEM education (the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) allows us to meet guidelines in a variety of unique and engaging ways, with an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking.
Our dedicated Maker Space room provides students with space and materials to design, create and innovate, as well as real-life authentic application opportunities.
Visits from experts from McGill University Science Outreach and the Redpath Museum engage our junior scientists, as do trips to the Montreal Science Centre, Cosmodome, Biodome and Botanical Gardens. Virtual field trips with changemakers around the world round out the program.
For those with a passion for science and math, coding and robotics classes trigger an excitement for inquisitive critical thinking opportunities while developing the literacy of the 21st century. Even from an early age, students develop better logical, analytical and computational thinking and practice effective teamwork.
Research dictates that outdoor education reduces stress, improves attention and increases motivation. Students visit the Forest School at the Falaise St. Jacques throughout the seasons to engage in hands-on exploratory learning and connect with the natural world.
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