
Elementary Tuition Information

2024-2025 Academic Year

Kindergarten Annual Tuition: $18,800

  • First installment to be received by August 7, 2024: $9,400
  • Second installment to be received by January 31, 2025: $9,400

Grades 1-6 Annual Tuition: $19,800

  • First installment to be received by August 7, 2024: $9,900
  • Second installment to be received by January 31, 2025: $9,900

Alternative Payment Plan:

10 payments to be received by August 7th, 2024 (post dated cheques or credit card) payable August 23rd, 2024 and the 20th of every month from September 2024 to May 2025. (This plan includes a $25.00 administrative charge per post-dated payment.)

Accessory Fees: (due August 23, 2024)
Transfer fee (Grades 1-6): $1,500 (non-refundable)
Student Activities: $750.00
Supplies & Technology: $900.00 (non-refundable)
Building Fund: $2,000.00

ESL fee (Based on English Ability): $500 per month

Family Discount (applicable to full fees only)

  • 10% for the second child
  • 15% for the third child
  • 20% for the fourth child or more


All prospective elementary students are eligible for consideration. Scholarships are awarded based on academic performance and merit. The amount of the scholarship is reviewed annually.

Payment Method:

Cheque, Wire transfer, or direct withdrawal only.