Covid-19 and e-learning: Letters to parents
Covid-19 and e-learning: Letters to parents
Kells updates are presented below in reverse chronological order and the blog post is updated as new letters are issued. Bookmark this page for easy reference.
May 15th, 2020 - Covid-19 Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I’m sure that by now you are all aware of Premier Legault’s announcement today to close elementary schools in Montreal until September in light of the Covid-19 situation. We will continue to provide our e-learning program until the last day of classes which will be Friday, June 12th. We will be holding Parent-Teacher Interviews on Zoom during the week of June 15th.
Thank you to all parents and guardians who filled out our E-learning survey. The survey results were very positive! Your feedback is extremely important as it provides us with suggestions and guidance to evolve and further improve the Kells online learning experience.
Given that the situation with the pandemic is changing every day and it remains unknown if social distancing will permit a physical gathering for a convocation event, we have made the difficult decision to proceed with an online convocation for our grade 6 students. We feel that it is extremely important that graduates of 2020 are recognized and honoured in their final year of elementary school. Our online convocation ceremony for our grade 6 graduates will be held on June 17th. More information to follow.
We have reserved Wednesday, May 20th for Personal Item Pick Up. Please follow this link to sign up for a pickup time:
Your child’s belongings will be pre-packed by his/her teacher and waiting for you outside the main entrance. No one will be permitted to enter the building.
Please respect the designated times and social distancing measures when picking up the belongings in order to meet health and safety guidelines. We kindly ask you to limit the risk of transmission by only having one family member leave your car for the pickup wearing gloves and a mask.
We ask that at that time, you also return any items which belong to the school such as library books or classroom materials.
Once again, I thank you for your ongoing cooperation and for supporting the school as we navigate this time together. As always, please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of help to answer your questions, concerns or simply to chat.
I wish you and your loved ones good health and safety.
Best regards,
Marla Perlman
April 2nd, 2020 - Covid-19 Update
Dear Parents and Guardians,
School at home is very different from school in our Kells building. Many of you are experiencing the stress of working, parenting and trying to co-teach at the same time. The speed with which we had to move to remote learning was unprecedented and staggering. We want you to know that we are fully cognisant of how this affects you and we are here to support you.
We have taken your feedback and tried to adapt in ways that would suit most families. Since every situation is different, we also realize that expectations are also different. We remain flexible in terms of due dates and personal circumstances.
Reflection from the teachers has also been important in terms of evaluating what successful e-learning looks like. That said, we have created a tip sheet (below) with recommendations that will help ensure that your child’s learning experience is positive and productive.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your encouragement, kind words, and ongoing support. Your cooperation has made all the difference.
As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you simply wish to chat.
We are all in this together.
Best regards,
Marla Perlman
Kells Elementary
E-Learning Tip Sheet for Parents
Maintain the student’s regular bedtime
Maintain student’s regular morning wake up routine
In as much as possible, students should attend every Live session - the school year is still running and all courses have importance.
Students should be dressed and sitting at a desk or table. If your child requires flexible seating at home try a stool, swiss ball or sitting (not lying) on the floor
Please help the student position himself/herself so he/she can be seen on camera.
Remind students to ask questions for clarification
Allow students to attend sessions independently. Feel free to email the teacher later if you have a question or concern, please do not disrupt the live session.
The live sessions mirror a classroom environment, therefore the interaction should only be teacher to student and vice versa or student to student if and when that is the instruction of the teacher.
Students who have headphones should wear them during live sessions. This greatly reduces background noise.
Make sure your microphone is muted until your child has the opportunity to ask a question or join a discussion
For Parents
Try to find time for exercise and fresh air
Eat and sleep!
Stay connected with others
Create structure and routine
Be aware of your own emotions and let go of things beyond your control
Limit the time you watch/read news
If you feel stressed lower your expectations where you can
Celebrate your successes! We are all doing our best in a difficult situation.
Isolation is difficult and lonely. Do not hesitate to reach out for help. If you are concerned about your child’s or your own mental health, here are a few options:
Helpful Resources
- Kids Help Phone
Offers active listening via multiple channels - text, chat and telephone call. They also have resources for mental health and Coronavirus on their website. - Do you need to talk to someone?
Vent Over Tea is a FREE active learning service for adults founded by former McGill students. Sessions usually take place in a café, however, they are now being offered via telephone or Skype. -
Info-Social 811 service 24/7 psychosocial intervention telephone consultation (Please note there is now a long wait)
Contact the Info-Social 811 service if you are experiencing: stress or anxiety;persistent emotional reactions (frequent crying, irritability, and so on); panic; constant invasive, frightening ideas; social repercussions of the disease
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for your valuable feedback and kind words of encouragement over the past week.
Following our staff meeting this morning, and as per the revised schedules you received on Friday, we have made adjustments to our e-learning platform to provide more flexibility to students, families and staff. Our goal is to continue to improve and facilitate access to remote learning from various regions, increase student engagement, reduce screen time and balance student workloads.
Kells will be transitioning to the Zoom platform throughout the week to facilitate student engagement and learning. It offers teachers the facility to work one-on-one or in small groups of students. It will also give teachers more control of the learning environment; they can moderate settings in a meeting, share their screen as though it is a whiteboard, watch videos simultaneously with the class, message each other in a chat forum and share files. We believe students will be more comfortable with this platform as it can more closely simulate a classroom atmosphere. The Zoom application has already been added to the gr 5 & 6 student iPads, however, if your child is using a personal iPad you can download the free Zoom app. It can also be accessed via a desktop or laptop computer.
Teachers will apply the same format (as with Google Meet) to initiate a live session. They will post a Zoom link for students in Google Classroom.
Kells Academy is committed to providing an e-learning experience that is engaging, straightforward and comfortable for students, parents and staff. Again, we thank you for all your feedback as we do our best to adapt and evolve our online platform.
I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and positive. Feel free to contact me at any time.
Best regards,
Marla Perlman
Kells Elementary
March 27th, 2020 - Covid-19 Update
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Now that we have experienced a full week of remote learning, we are going to take Monday, March 30th as a PED day in order for faculty to meet and take your feedback into consideration. It will give teachers the opportunity to share resources and strategies with one another in order to best meet the needs of our students and your families.
We appreciate your feedback and ongoing support which assists us in planning how to move forward and put best practices into place to evolve our e-learning platform.
This pedagogical day will also be used to offer our staff professional development on the Zoom video conferencing platform. We are piloting Zoom features to facilitate accessibility to students in other countries, create breakout discussion groups within a meeting, enable use of a digital whiteboard and moderate control of microphones, cameras and attendance.
Students are encouraged to use the pedagogical day on Monday to complete assigned school work, organize digital materials and review lessons.
Again, the Ministry of Education has made clear that the school year is still running, so while we realize that every home situation is different, we remind you of the importance of student attendance during Live sessions. That said, we are so proud of all that our students have accomplished during the last week. You have shown us your commitment to learning despite trying circumstances.
We realize that isolation is difficult for everyone. We hope that you are able to get fresh air and exercise in order to stay calm and healthy. Should you or your child like to have a private chat at any time, please feel free to contact me. We are all in this together and we are here to help.
Best regards,
Marla Perlman
Kells Elementary
March 23rd, 2020 - Covid-19 Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you may have heard yesterday afternoon, all schools in Quebec including Kells Academy will be closed until May 1, 2020.
We would like to bring to your attention to the following important directives from the Minister of Education:
1. The school year will continue and, if the situation improves, the students will return to their classrooms
in May 2020. 2. “Uniform” Ministry of Education exams will not take place this June. 3. Please note, we are awaiting further directives from the Ministry of Education as to how students will be evaluated for term 3 and final report cards. As such, I reiterate that the school year continues.
Given these directives and the fact that the school year is still running, we have prepared and mobilized our staff to ensure that students continue with online learning and stay abreast of the curriculum in the event that schools reopen in May. Although a challenging situation, Kells Academy will provide its students with every opportunity to maximize their learning so that they are not disadvantaged in their upcoming school year. The teachers will continue to instruct Term 3 content through e-learning classes to ensure that your child acquires the essential skills for their current grade level. We expect all of our students to participate in these classes and complete their assignments and projects with the same motivation that they brought to school each day.
Behind the scenes, the Kells administration, academic staff and the IT team have been in constant communication via Google Meet, emails and online correspondence to ensure the smooth operation of our online learning platform. We are piloting new tools and resources to coordinate e-curriculum plans, navigate technical issues, share online resources and expand our e-learning methods to best support students through this rapidly evolving situation.
As we move forward in online learning, Kells administration is also working on expanding the resources and the support available to students. These services will be wide-ranging and will provide both academic support ranging from language proficiency, math problem-solving strategies, literacy skills or remedial support to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle or sharpening individual development through enrichment opportunities. We hope to share these online resources with our parents and students in the near future.
I would like to reassure you that I will be in constant communication with you and our students via memos, email, Morning Messages, recorded stories and mindful meditations, Twitter, videos on our Kells Facebook page and visits to Live Meets. I would also like to invite students and parents to reach out to me to stay in touch and support one another. I know this is a very challenging time, but we are here to support you and we will get through this together!
This transition from the classroom to online learning has been very sudden and we recognize that students will take time to adjust and may experience feelings of isolation and a lack of personal support and guidance due to changes in their routine. Please reach out to us so we can continue to support and personally guide your child through this situation.
We are fully committed to educating our students and supporting the Kells community. I would like to acknowledge our teachers who have been working incredibly hard to facilitate student engagement and provide meaningful learning opportunities. I would also like to thank you and the students for your commitment to learning and following our e-learning platform and for your continued cooperation and collaboration.
Stay healthy and safe!
Best regards,
Marla Perlman Principal
Kells Elementary
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
In an effort to continue educational services during the school closure for Covid - 19, we will be offering online instruction beginning Wednesday, March 18th throughout the duration of the school closure.
In so far as possible, students will follow their regular daily schedule in terms of subjects offered per day. Teachers will do their best to provide lesson materials, notes, assessments, online resources for support and/or curriculum instruction. Please note that many teachers are also parents, as such they will be tending to their own children as schools and daycares are closed. Based on individual teacher circumstances (parental obligations, technological resources, video limitations at home, privacy of family members) teachers will provide curriculum instruction via Google classroom and/or Google Meet.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties; please email our IT team at:
Our IT team will be available to address technical difficulties to the best of their abilities. As we embark on this new format, please be patient and understand that we are doing our best to continue learning and educational services.
Students E - Classroom Student Code of Conduct
The Kells Academy Student Code of Conduct remains in place for E - Classrooms.
Students are accountable to adhere to the student code of conduct during E - Classrooms. Inappropriate behavior, language or gestures can result in disciplinary action or removal from the e-learning platform.
E - Learning Schedule and Protocol
1. Students log into their respective Google Classroom for their directions 2. The course teachers will post instructions/assignments for the day and/or a Google Meet link for the respective course group on Google Classroom at specific times indicated. 3. Students will check for course information posted by teachers.
Academic Support:
Ms. Miceli will be available to her regular students (at her discretion) by Google Classroom/Meet and email for continued support.
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we navigate through this new learning environment.
Below you will find instructions for Google Classroom and Google Meet.
Best regards,
Marla Perlman Principal
Technical Guide for Students: How to log into your Google Classroom on the iPad:
1. Go to your Gmail App and sign in using your Kells gmail account.
2. Once signed in, open up the Classroom app installed on your iPad.
3. Once you arrive on your Classroom app, you will see a list of all your subjects. You must click on the class that you are supposed to be attending at the correct time following your schedule.
4. On the class page you will see instructions posted by your teacher. These instructions may include:
Video Recording
Live Stream
Post with Instructions
How to login into Google Meet on the iPad:
A link will be sent by either Gmail or posted on your Classroom page prior to your class. You must click the link and it will join you automatically into your assigned room. If the link does not work, you can try the following steps:
1. Open the Meet app on your iPad.
2. Click on “Meeting Code”.
3. It will ask you to enter a code. The code will be sent to your email or will be posted by your teacher on the page of your Classroom. If you are having troubles connecting on your iPad, you will be provided with a phone number that you could use to call in from a cell phone or home phone.
4. Once you enter the correct code you will be put into a room with your teacher and the rest of your classmates.
5. The teacher may play a live stream of your lesson, a recording or may just be available to answer questions on the Chat.
How to log into your Google Classroom on your Computer:
1. Go to and sign in using your Kells gmail account.
2. Once signed in, on the top right of the page you will see the apps icon
. Click on the apps
and you will see a list of different apps, scroll down until you see Classroom and click it.
Alternatively you can type into your browser URL and it will direct you to the Classroom app.
3. Once you arrive on your Classroom page, you will see a list of all your subjects. You must click on the class that you are supposed to be attending at the correct time following your schedule.
4. On the class page you will see instructions posted by your teacher. These instructions may include:
Video Recording
Live Stream
Post with Instructions
If you are still having trouble getting into your Classroom, linked below is a tutorial video:
March 13th Covid- 19 Update
Dear Parents/Guardians
As you may have heard this morning, all schools in Quebec including Kells Academy will be closed for 2 weeks as of Monday, March 16th.
As per my previous communication on March 12th regarding Covid-19, this Monday and Tuesday will remain as PED Days to allow for Kells Academy staff to prepare lessons and adapt to our E-learning platform.
On Monday and Tuesday, I encourage students to complete any outstanding work previously assigned, review lesson notes and ensure that they are able to access Google Classroom and Portal remotely.
In preparation for students to access E-learning, parents and students will receive an email by the end of the day Tuesday, March 17th with instructions and a schedule to log into our E-learning platform.
Our IT team will be all hands on deck to support any technical glitches that we encounter along the way.
Our goal is to have minimal disruption to learning and proceed with curriculum instruction beginning on Wednesday, March 18th.
Kells Academy is committed to maintaining educational services while prioritizing the safety of our students and staff. We ask for your support and patience as we embark on this new experience.
Rest assured, should there be any changes or new developments, we will continue to inform you of any updates.
Again, thank you for your support and understanding. Please stay safe and healthy!
March 12th Covid- 19 Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In light of the ongoing information regarding Covid-19, as a preventative measure, we will not be holding classes on Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th. We will be using these PED days to plan and coordinate an E-learning platform in the event of prolonged school closure. We are doing everything possible to ensure that learning will not be disrupted.
In addition, you will receive a mandatory survey regarding travel info during the March Break which must be completed whether or not you or your child has travelled.
As per the mandate this morning from the Quebec Premier, Francois Legault;
If you or your child have been outside of the country during March Break, your child will have to self quarantine at home for 14 days. The same will apply to Kells Academy staff.
Please note that students will not be allowed to return to school unless the mandatory survey is completed.
As well, any students that show flu-like symptoms will be sent home.
In the interim, major events and school trips such as International Day, Ottawa Trip, WE field trip, will be postponed to a later date.
As we monitor the situation closely, we are doing our best to take preventative measures to ensure the safety of students and staff. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation and support in this matter.